웰시코기 종이접기 방법(동영상) / Origami Corgi Instructions
종이접기를 영어로 origami 라고 하네요
수많은 종류의 동물들부터 다양한 종이접기 방법이 나와 있는 사이트를 소개합니다
그 중 웰시코기 만드는 법을 소개할까 합니다
1 번은 fish base 폼에서 시작하는데요 물고기 기본 폼 만드는 법은 이곳을 보시면 됩니다.
아래 설명을 구글 번역 돌린 파일은 첨부했으니 참조해주세요
제일 밑에 유튜브 영상도 첨부했으니 접다가 막히면 보시면 됩니다
1. Begin with Fish Base.
2. Valley fold
3. Valley fold
4. Crease and open.
5. Turn model over.
6. Rabbit ear/sink side along creases.
7. Rabbit ear/sink other side.
8. Completed rabbit ears with sunken corner flaps. Valley fold flaps downward.
9. Valley fold top to center line crease.
10. Crease and open.
11. Begin squash fold of top.
12. Squash fold completed.
13. Turn model over.
14. Valley fold to the right (up to ¼” below center line), crease, and open.
15. Repeat step 12 with a valley fold to the left.
16. Completed creases.
17. Valley fold bottom flap up to ¼” of center line.
18. Valley fold along crease to the left (begin rabbit ear). Rotate model CCW 90 degrees.
19. Complete rabbit ear.
20. Rotate model CW 90 degrees.
21. Mountain fold right side of back flap (book fold) to the left.
22. Reverse fold longer bottom flap downward along crease.
23. Pull short bottom flaps up inside model.
24. Rotate top and bottom flaps (book folds).
25. Valley fold bottom flap to top.
26. Rotate model and turn over.
27. Valley fold front flap to the right (book fold). Rotate model CW 90 degrees.
28. Valley fold right side triangle to center line and crease.
29. Partially open model and crease, making a “square” of crease marks along the top triangle.
30. Valley fold bottom half of model up.
31. Rotate top 2 layers of model to right.
32. Open to see creases.
33. Rotate model 180 degrees.
34. Valley fold (note where fold begins along leftmost vertical crease line) top flap.
35. Crease.
36. Repeat 34-35 with bottom flap.
37. Fold along inner crease lines as shown.
38. Turn model over.
39. Place model flat and fold head up along crease.
40. Carefully start to flatten.
41. Flatten.
42. Continue to flatten while mountain-folding entire model.
43. Finish flattening. Note head will naturally crimp to neck, leaving white triangle detail.
44. Open back up again.
45. Carefully mountain fold outer flaps along creases.
46. Pull outer flaps down and out, separating them from the back of the head.
47. White part of throat/chest goes forward while the back of the head/neck remains in place.
48. Flatten so white triangle area becomes a trapezoid.
49. Open model up to display underside. Pull front leg flaps forward toward head.
50. Valley fold to expose white area of underbelly.
51. Valley fold legs downward.
52. Open top flap and flatten.
53. Valley fold legs along midpoint.
54. Reverse fold right leg.
55. Reverse fold left leg.
56. Both legs reverse folded.
57. Open outermost flap on right leg to expose white.
58. Carefully turn reverse-fold inside out as shown.
59. Flatten and repeat on other leg.
60. Both legs flattened and inside out.
61. Fold model in half along spine and rotate.
62. Fold back flap of head.
63. Sink back of neck along creases.
64. Open model and lay flat along belly. Valley fold bottom trapezoid upward and rotate model CW 90 degrees.
65. Valley fold tail right along crease.
66. Valley fold tail back to the left, halfway between existing creases.
67. Mountain fold model in half and rotate (head down, tail up, legs pointing to the left).
68. Crimp head and crease to prepare for outside reverse fold (71).
69. Tuck neck flaps inside (mountain folds).
70. Valley fold head downward.
71. Crease and begin outside reverse fold.
72. Outside reverse fold head downward.
73. Pull out inner cheek flaps and flatten.
74. Repeat on other side of model.
75. Valley fold bottom of jaws to center line and crease.
76. Repeat on other side of model.
77. Open and reverse fold along creases, tucking in lower jaw.
78. Crimp tail nub inside body to desired length.
79. Crimp muzzle.
80. Blunt nose with small reverse fold.
81. Reverse fold front leg to form foot.
82. Repeat on other side.
83. Mountain fold hind legs in to form back feet.
84. Blunt front paws with reverse folds.
85. Mountain fold neck area in to round out chest.
86. Blunt tail nub with reverse fold.
Completed corgi!
웰시코기 종이접기 영상
추가로 간단한 버전의 웰시코기 접는 방법도 올립니다~
포매라니안 성격, 특징 분양 정보
포매라니안 성격, 특징 분양 정보 포메라니안 가격과 특징 정리 혹시 애완견 하면 어떤 강아지가 떠오르시나요? 오늘은 귀여운 강아지의 대명사 포매라니안의 성격과 특징, 가격이나 분양 정보